Problems You May Encounter With Your Commercial Air Conditioning Pump

I started this blog to discuss information I've picked up in my new role, which might be useful for someone starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.

Problems You May Encounter With Your Commercial Air Conditioning Pump

Problems You May Encounter With Your Commercial Air Conditioning Pump

15 June 2017
, Blog

Your commercial air conditioning's pump functions to facilitate the movement of fluids through chillers, boilers and water towers to ensure efficient heating and cooling of your premises. If the constant flow of these fluids is interrupted due to problems with your pump, you will begin to experience disparate temperatures in the building or even entire malfunctioning of your HVAC system. Thus, it is important to know what issues your pump is susceptible to and have them remedied as soon as the symptoms start to manifest to prevent having to replace your commercial air conditioning. So what are some of the problems that you may encounter with your commercial air conditioning pump?

Leakage from the seals

Seal leakage is one of the common problems that your pump would succumb to. The reasons why seals eventually develop wear and tear is that they are regularly exposed to excessive heat, which would cause the seal to deteriorate gradually. A simple way to avoid this would be to ensure that the seals of your pump are lubricated on a regular schedule. The lubrication ensures that the seals do not become dry, which prevents the development of cracks and breakage.

It should be noted that heat is not the only factor that would cause defunct seals. In other cases, your seals may simply lose their functionality due to aging. Therefore, it is prudent to have your commercial HVAC system routinely inspected by professional technicians to ensure any signs of damage are attended to promptly.

Structural damage to the pump shafts

Another reason why your pump may start to fail is if its shafts have become compromised. Due to the intensive working conditions that the pump is exposed to, the shafts will eventually start to develop cracks. As a result, it is essential to have the pump shafts replaced on a scheduled basis to ensure that the functioning of your pump is not affected. Nevertheless, it should also be noted that the shafts could also spontaneously shatter on occasion. A pump will break if there is an overload of fluid passes through your pump or if the pump is exposed to excessive heat caused by an imbalance in the functioning of the HVAC system.

Your pump would also be at risk of shattering is if has gradually developed decay, which would manifest by the shaft turning bluish in colour. Shattering of your pump shaft would constitute an HVAC emergency as it means that your air conditioning's fluids are not being transported. This issue can be avoided if technicians examine your pump shaft for symptoms that would indicate equipment fatigue and attend to them as need be.

About Me
Industrial equipment supply chain learning curve

I have always worked in the supply chain department, but since moving to an industrial equipment supplier, I've been on a steep learning curve. We have so many pieces with multiple names or similar names, and I need to be able to work out which pieces can be substituted in an emergency and which pieces are not similar. It's been tricky for me to get my head around, so I started this blog to discuss some of the information I've picked up in this role, which might be useful for someone else just starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.