Reasons Why You May Be Experiencing Pool Pump Problems

I started this blog to discuss information I've picked up in my new role, which might be useful for someone starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.

Reasons Why You May Be Experiencing Pool Pump Problems

Reasons Why You May Be Experiencing Pool Pump Problems

13 July 2016
, Blog

If you have a swimming pool, ensuring that your pool pump is working at optimum is crucial. These pumps do not only function to keeping contaminants out of your pool water. They also work to keeping your pool water balanced so as to prevent any skin irritations developing on the people who use the pool. It should be noted that there are seasons when you will use your pool more frequently due to favourable weather. During these seasons you pool pump will also be working overtime to meet your swimming pool's needs. This is when the pool pump is more likely to succumb to wear and tear due to heavy usage. Here are some of the reasons why you may be experiencing pool pump problems.

Your pool's filter pressure is low

One of the signs to look out for when it comes to pool repairs is a constant low reading on your pool's pressure filter. This will typically occur if your swimming pool's impeller has become worn out. The impeller is a crucial component of your swimming pool. Its main function is to push the pool water through the pool pump. If the impeller is not functioning at optimum, you will find that your pool water is not being pushed sufficiently through the pump and this results in low-pressure readings. If you pool's impeller is faulty, you will need to seek the services of pool maintenance technicians.

Pool water is spraying out of the pump's housing

Another indicator of impending pool pump repairs is water spraying out of the housing that shelters your pool pump. In this instance, the main culprit tends to be compromised seals. Your pool pump comes with a rubberized O-ring. This O-ring is supposed to stay tightly in pace since the water is pumped at high pressure. However, over time, the rubber may begin to wear out or crack. When the seal has been compromised, it becomes unable to keep the highly pressurized pool water within the pump. This leads to it spraying out the pump's shelter.

Pool water is leaking beneath the pump

Your pool pump should keep water inside it. When you begin to notice the water is pooling beneath your pool pump, then it could indicate that the motor shaft of the pump has acquired some damage. If left unchecked, the motor shaft will gradually lose its ability to adequately pump your pool water, which will lead to the inefficiency of your pump. Signs of leaking should be addressed post haste by pool maintenance technicians like

About Me
Industrial equipment supply chain learning curve

I have always worked in the supply chain department, but since moving to an industrial equipment supplier, I've been on a steep learning curve. We have so many pieces with multiple names or similar names, and I need to be able to work out which pieces can be substituted in an emergency and which pieces are not similar. It's been tricky for me to get my head around, so I started this blog to discuss some of the information I've picked up in this role, which might be useful for someone else just starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.