Experiencing A Noisy Pump? – Here Are Some 4 Possible Causes

I started this blog to discuss information I've picked up in my new role, which might be useful for someone starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.

Experiencing A Noisy Pump? – Here Are Some 4 Possible Causes

Experiencing A Noisy Pump? – Here Are Some 4 Possible Causes

9 September 2015
, Blog

Whatever use you have for your pump, you need it to function effectively all the time. One of the many ways your pump can inconvenience you is through noisy function. A noisy pump can make it hard to operate due to the disturbance caused. In addition to that, a noisy pump indicates a deeper problem that needs to be looked into. If you are experiencing the same from your pump, the following causes could be behind it.

Loose mounting

One of the simplest explanations for a noisy pump is loosening of the mounting. Being the simplest possible cause, its best to start with this alternative before venturing into other causes. Over time, the pump mounting can get loose due to the pump's vibration when in use. To confirm if a loose mounting is responsible for the noise, simply have the bolts on your pump mounting tightened and try to operate your pump again.

Worn bearings

Another mild cause behind a noisy pump is worn bearings. Bearings are located around the shaft, on the motor and the pump's side. They need to be replaced periodically due to wear. If not replaced on time, or if they wear faster than usual, the shaft will experience increased friction around the pump and the motor when operating, causing vibration. A quick bearing check and replacement will be needed if this is the case.

Damaged shaft

The shaft helps provide the mechanical energy needed to operate the pump. Due to its numerous rotations, it can easily wear due to friction. This often happens when bearings are not replaced in time, or if the shaft is not aligned perfectly between the motor and the pump. If damaged, the shaft will bend and cause vibrations during function. Over time, it may damage the motor's rotor. This damage can be repaired by re-tooling the shaft and re-installing it using a computerized jig to ensure precision. If too damaged, the shaft may need replacing.

Damaged motor fan

The electric motor powering the pump relies on an inbuilt fan to keep cool. This motor fan can get damaged over time due to wear. When this happens, some fan blades may fall off or break. Consequently, these damaged parts will create noise as they touch other motor parts during the rotation cycles of the fan. This can be corrected by replacing the fan or the fan blades, depending on the extent of the problem.

To get to the root of the problem, your pump technician can initiate a series of tests, starting with the most common solution to the least likely ones. For more information on pump repairs, go to a site like www.globalrewinds.com.au.

About Me
Industrial equipment supply chain learning curve

I have always worked in the supply chain department, but since moving to an industrial equipment supplier, I've been on a steep learning curve. We have so many pieces with multiple names or similar names, and I need to be able to work out which pieces can be substituted in an emergency and which pieces are not similar. It's been tricky for me to get my head around, so I started this blog to discuss some of the information I've picked up in this role, which might be useful for someone else just starting out in an industrial equipment supply role.